Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dustin's first post. . .

I got a Webkinz from the store. My Webkinz is a dog named Herbie. When I get home I like to log onto Webkinz and play. I like to look for jewels in the Gem Hunt. My favorite game is Dice Kinz. I also love to play the battleship game.

This week I started school. I am in eighth grade. I am in a special class. This year all the kids like me. My teachers and my aide like me too. I get a happy face or a sad face when I go home. This week I got 3 happy faces. My mom and dad were very proud. Only 2 sad faces this week, that is good.

That's it.


Patty said...

Two out of five sad faces is good Dustin. I bet it make your real face happy doesn't it?

Keep up the good work.

Kari said...

Have a great year, Dustin!

JR - A Green Eyed Gurl.... said...

Dustin that is a great way to start off your new school year. I am so amazed by all the good things you do and your accomplishments. I have been reading your mom's blog for a couple of years now, and sometimes she and I agree to disagree, but I really respect her and all the great things she does for you. You especially, and your whole family inspire me and keep me trudging along on track as best I can.

Keep up the very good work Dustin - you have many people who care about you and pray for you daily.

Harrison Rouse said...

Awsome Dustin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!