Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hink Pinks

Hink Pinks ( also known as rhyming pairs)

1. A closet for a sweeping tool._________ _________

2. A teacher who loves two wheeled vehicles._________ __________

3. A heavy flying mammal._________ ________

4. An unhappy father._______ _______

(Answer in comments please)

Joke emperor of the universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are some jokes you can use.

Tom: Hey Jack. Blue eyes run in my family.

Jack: Noses run in mine.

Knock knock
Who's there
Owls who
That's right you're so smart

Q:What runs all around your house but doesn't move?

A:Your fence.

Q:What's the difference between a dentist & a New Yorker?

A:One yanks for the roots while the other roots for the Yanks.


If you don't know how to play ...
just read this.

You hit my sub & made it tip;

You just sank my battleship!

You made my carrier take a dip;

You just sank my battleship

HALO Hamsters

I love this commercial. Hamsters, HALO and LMFAO make for a good time.

Acclaimed film and music video director, Mark Romanek, knows how to make those hamsters shuffle. :)

Cool, huh? :D